Win Tickets to Events, and TV/Movie/Music/Video Game Merchandise

Win a copy of Jolina Magdangal's "Destiny" CD
Promo from Globalpinoy
Closing date: 2 October 2008

Win an autographed copy of The Script's debut CD
Promo from MTV Asia
Closing date: 30 September 2008

Win Eagle Eye premiums
Promo from AXN
Closing date: 26 September 2008

Win a CSI goodie bag
Promo from AXN

Win various classic rock CDs and DVDs
Online raffle draws/sweepstakes from

Win various music merchandise
Online raffle draws/sweepstakes from

Win DVDs and movie merchandise
Online raffle draws/sweepstakes from
Regularly updated

Win collectible Comics
Monthly raffle/sweepstakes from
International winners will need to pay for shipping

Win DVDs
Contest from The Celebrity Cafe
Winner chosen every quarter